

2025 Welcome Letter

Please join us for the thirteenth annual meeting of the International School Choice and Reform Conference (ISCRC), a global academic conference that gathers scholars who study various forms of school choice, systemic reform, and educational innovation. This includes scholarship on how school choice is enacted, the mechanisms that structure school choice programs, and both the direct and systemic effects of school choice and reform programs and initiatives.

ISCRC invites researchers with multiple perspectives on these issues to attend our 2025 meeting, which will take place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on Jan 17-20, 2025.

Some of the research presented and discussed at this conference might be supportive of various forms of school choice, while other research presented at the conference will have a more critical stance. Some participants favor one form of choice while opposing other forms of choice. Conference participants are connected by the goal of using high-quality research to shed light on how school choice and reform policies play out when implemented.

From the graduate student to the senior scholar level, the ISCRC offers a unique opportunity for school choice researchers to gather in small groups. We accomplish this by including in the registration fee multiple meal and reception opportunities for participants to spend time together.

The ISCRC has grown into an important forum for the examination of diverse forms of education, including alternatives and reforms to district-run, traditional public schools. Its primary goal is to act as a means whereby scholars and practitioners can come together in small groups to debate and discover unanswered questions about school choice and reform and to identify areas of possible collaboration.

We are looking forward to connecting with you in Florida!

Conference Chair

Conference Co-Chair


DREW CATT, Executive Director ISCRC, EdChoice

TOMMASO AGASISTI, Politecnico di Milano

NINA BUCHANAN, University of Hawai’i

ANGELA DILLS,Western Carolina University

ANNA EGALITE, North Carolina State University

JAY P. GREENE, Heritage Foundation

HEIDI HOLMES, Brigham Young University

TRIIN LAURI, Tallinn University School of Governance

ROBERT ANTHONY MARANTO, University of Arkansas

RODRIGO QUERIOZ E MELO, Universidad Católica Portuguesa

BENJAMIN SCAFIDI, Kennesaw State University

M. DANISH SHAKEEL, University of Buckingham

DEANI VAN PELT, Edvance Christian Schools Association

ANGELA WATSON, Johns Hopkins University

ERIC WEARNE, Kennesaw State University

TIM WEEKES, Calsoyas Group

PATRICK WOLF, University of Arkansas